Saturday, May 29, 2010

Day 148: When one starts, the other must end...

Today was our last day in the actual PALs 4th period class. We had senior share and the Lazarou's participated as well. This is a picture of everyone in a gigantic final group hug! This year has been incredible. We all get along so well and have become friends inside and outside of class. I have very distinct memories of this year...

1. The PALs Ropes Course :)
(Rapping on the bus, Magic Man, Katy & I on the high ropes)
2. Fazile's Pot Luck Dinner!
3. Dress Up Dinner in December
4. The Prom Fashion Show
5. The Girls' Disney Sleepover
6. The VERY FIRST Girls Hangout
And those are just to name a few.... :)
Even though his year has come to an end, a new PALs class has started under a new sponsor. Today we had our VERY FIRST girls hang out! We went to Bounce U and Chili's! These girls are so much fun and they make me laugh A LOT! We ran around Bounce U for a while, but you can only go so long without air conditioning! Haha... then we just sat and talked on one of the bouncers. It was a great start to a new year in PALs!