Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day 132: National TV?!?

Today I saw a trailer for the upcoming season of the Bachelorette! During Spring Break, I actually met Ali while she was on one of her dates in Hollywood, CA. In the trailer they have a clip from the date that I witnessed. The picture on the left is a picture that I took of Ali and her date... you can see the camera men in front of me. In the picture on the right, you can see where I paused the trailer clip. There is a man with a cowboy hat and video camera in the bottom left of this shot. I started freaking out and hollered at my Dad to come over to the computer. I told him that I was literally inches away from the man in the RED shirt on the left. As I was scrolling through my pictures from CA, I found the shot on the bottom right. Check it out.... the exact same cowboy man is standing there, with Ali in the shot!!!! I am literally going crazy.... I might be on national television for a split second! :) This picture is one that you definitely need to double click to see it clearer!!!