Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Day 138: The Final Chapter

Tonight was the last WOW ever. WOW is a bible study called Women of the Word and Mrs. Lazarou has been leading us for around 3 years. Tonight was the last Tuesday we would ever meet as a 'WOW' group. We studied the final chapter of the bible- Revelations. It is neat studying what God has prepared for us in Heaven, but it breaks my heart for the people that do not know Christ. The mission of a Christian is to spread his love, not keep it to themselves. God loves each and every person and he seeks to have a relationship with them. I pray for the people that surround me in my life. Whether you sit in my class, you pass me in the hallway, you grew up with me, you live with me, or you don't know me... I pray that one day  I will see you in Heaven. I am confident that when I die I will be dancing with the Lord surrounded by the people that I love. This may be the ending chapter of WOW; however, our story as sisters in Christ is endless.