Sunday, June 13, 2010

Day 164: Reunion!

Today I went with my mom and sister to Harwin and a ghetto thrift store. We were on a search to find Lauren costumes for the theme nights at Pine Cove-since she will be a counselor there this summer. Tonight I went to Buffalo Wild Wings with a bunch of friends and then they all came over to my house afterwards! We watched the Lakers vs. Celtics game and it was a nice reunion since I haven't hung out with most of them since middle school! In this picture is Erin, Brittany, Jamie, Ariel and Shannon. We attempted to get a group shot... but that is easier said than done. We played a few games of flip cup, waterfall and water pong- all with water, of course!! I hope everyone had a good time and enjoyed the delicious brownies that my dad and sister made! I have to give a special blog shout out to everyone that came: Brittany, Erin, Jamie, Erica, Kate, Victoria, Anam, Ariel, Brandon, Anthony, Taylor, Mark, Cody, Matt, Nick, and Cale! :)