Friday, June 25, 2010

Day 172: No Complaints Monday!

 We departed for Destin, Florida at 12 AM today. It was late, but we drove in a charter bus with 40 people from my youth group. We are going on a trip called DESTINation and we will be spending the entire week in Destin, Florida! The ride was going smoothly until our bus driver spotted a drunk driver on the highway. She reported their license plate number to the police and 30 seconds later she witnessed them hit a car on the overpass. We sat on the overpass for a solid 2 hours, while the adults waited for the police's arrival. We finally continued on with the drive to Florida and arrived around 1 pm. Once we got here, we all ate lunch and headed to the beach! It was fun playing in the waves with all of my friends and the people that I just met! Later, we all went to dinner at Fudpuckers! There was an hour wait, so we all explored the restaurant. This place was AMAZING! It had great spots to take pictures, live alligators to touch and tasty food! After dinner, we all went to worship on the beach and listened to Kevin Edlebrock speak. He is such a funny kid and in spirit of the restaurant he decided to give out the "Crazy Mother Pucker" Award! Whoever did the craziest thing that day would earn this award. He let us know what was in store for us this week and asked us, "What is your Destination?" I hope I am challenged this week to grow stronger in Christ and have a ton of fun in Florida with my friends!