Monday, June 28, 2010

Day 178: Basket-Flaggan-Fluggen

Today was Promotion Sunday at church and T's birthday! There was a great crowd, an incredible singer and a powerful message in the high school service!!! This afternoon was my first training shift at 9ners Grill in New Territory. Melinda trained me and it went well! In the evening I went over to Katy's house, because she had a bunch of people over to swim and hang out! Katy & I were a beast team at Energy Pong and then I played a game called Basket-Flaggan-Fluggen (a.k.a water basketball) with all of the boys! My team was Taylor, Anthony, Harold and I... we were awesome and we won both games! I am a pretty competitive person and this game was by far one of the most entertaining water games that I've ever played! I got so into it and actually played pretty darn good for a girl! :) In the final game we played to 5. The ending score was 5-3 and I scored 2 of the goals for my team... holla! Afterwards, I went to Sonic with Brittnay, Mark, Taylor and Anthony. We sat outside and talked for over 2 hours! We played games like "Would you rather", "Mary-Bury-Do" and the random question game. It was so much fun just sitting and having good conversation with a smaller group of people! We took this picture in the Sonic parking lot on self timer. The camera was sitting on the trash can- oh memories! :)