Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 321: Journal

Since our house is currently under construction, I spent the majority of the afternoon relaxing in my silent, dust free bedroom. I found this little green journal that I wrote in at least once a week my entire sophomore and junior year of high school. This definitely isn't the typical girl drama diary. This notebook was sort of the beginnings of the blog, before the blog existed! I wrote all kinds of different things- from song lyrics to what I learned at bible study. I saved sweet letters people wrote me and I also wrote many letters to myself for the future. It was so interesting to read how the littlest things frustrated me and how I was unbelievably stressed out about a simple Chemistry test. I have quite a few desperate prayers for strength and encouragement, some silly memories, and inspiring bible verses. I poured my entire life into this green notebook for two years, but I slowly stopped writing in it when I started my Project 365. My favorite journal entry was from April 26, 2009. It starts out..."You know, I've finally realized something... I am not normal." It talks about how God never called us to fit in; we were always meant to stand out. This journal isn't normal, this blog isn't normal; my life isn't the normal high school experience. But I don't want to be like everyone else, I'd rather stand out.