Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 305: Stop

Tonight, Mark Haynes was the guest speaker at FCA. He graduated from Austin in 2005 and played baseball at Rice University. He explained how he played baseball for all of the wrong reasons since the age of 4. Fame, popularity, girls, and fortune were the driving forces for his life and he never seemed to be satisfied. Mark came to a breaking point when he was a junior in high school and decided to dedicate his baseball career/life solely to Christ. This was the point when multiple division one universities and major league teams contacted him. When he started to play for God's glory, incredible things began to happen. He talked about how worldly possessions will never satisfy our hearts. No matter how much “stuff” we have, we will always yearn for the love that only Christ offers. Life is going to work out according to God's plans, whether we want to accept that or not. We may want to go to a certain college, be friends with certain people, live a certain lifestyle, date certain people, participate in certain activities- and God may want those things for us and he may not. I need to stop seeking what the world has to offer and start seeking what He has to offer. That's way easier said than done.