Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day 334: Unexpected Joys

Merry Christmas from 9ers Grill! This is the new decoration that I made for December that hangs below the menu. What is 9ers going to do when I am gone? Their little elementary teacher at heart won’t always be behind the counter to make all of their creative projects!! Today I did a whole lot of working- from school work, to student teaching work, to 9ers work, to stupid Macbeth homework... I don't really want to do blog work. Even though my days are ridiculously busy... they are usually pretty eventful! Jason got an incredible job offer today! It was his number one choice and although it will move him out of Texas... I couldn't be more proud of my CB!!! Tomorrow will mark the start of the last month of my Project 365. I have a feeling December will be extremely bittersweet for me. I know I have thirty one great days ahead of me- filled with happiness and plenty of unforgettable memories.
"May your life be crowded with unexpected joys."