Friday, November 26, 2010

Day 330: Tangled

 If you plan on going Black Friday shopping at midnight, most people would just stay awake... not the Engle’s. We plan to nap in order to wake up for the 12 am sales at Wal-Mart. I went into my food coma around 8 pm yesterday and woke up just in time to join the rest of the gang! We went for $3 appliances and $2 movies... both of which we did not need. Wal-Mart was swamped with people everywhere- it was an absolute zoo! I lost a lot of respect for the American public this morning. Just because it is Black Friday doesn't give you the right to shove your cart into people, cut in line and be disrespectful. I couldn't believe how rude some people were! This is a picture I snapped of Lauren, holding her $6 Tupperware, in the midst of the craziness! I returned home in the freezing cold and was shopped out for the day! I went to lunch with Brittany Muller, since I haven't hung out with her in forever. I loved catching up on her life and filling her in on mine! This afternoon, I worked at 9ers for two hours. They let me leave early, but it was by far the slowest two hours of my life. Instead of working, I went to the see Tangled with Katy and Dylan. It is the new animated movie based on the story of Rapunzel! I wish “Happily Ever After” endings weren’t just in fairytales!