Sunday, November 28, 2010

Day 331: The Engle's

Today we took our traditional family Christmas picture. Each year all of the girls go shopping and find color coordinating outfits- in preparation for this picture. This tradition has been taking place for many years now, and quite frankly... we're running out of color choices. This year we decided to do earth tones (browns, beiges, etc.). All of the Engle's and our handy-dandy tripod headed out to old Richmond for some rustic pictures. I love my family and even though it is stressful at times- I love taking family Christmas pictures! Then again, I am a picture freak! After our tripod photo shoot, we all went to dinner together. Lauren was scrolling through the pictures on my camera and hollered, "Man, our family is good looking!" My Dad replied, "....except for one!" And Shannon chimed in, "Sorry..." It was absolutely priceless. That girl is too stinkin' cute & funny. The Engle’s are exceptionally loud, they laugh almost as much as they speak, and they have a lot of fun with each other... and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
"Having a sister is like having a best friend you can't get rid of. You know whatever you do, they'll still be there."