Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 326: Champ!

Tonight at FCA we planned on playing dodgeball, but there was a sudden change of events! And I forgot to bring my camera.... so depressing.  We only played one round of dodgeball and if you know me, I am the girl that stands in the background and picks up the dodgeballs for all of the athletic boys. I am pretty much a useless teammate when it comes to this game. I always seem to make it to the very end of the game, since no one is intimidated by me! Tonight was no exception; however, when there were only three people left on the other team (two girls and Taylor Cobb)- I knocked ALL of them out!! I finally felt like the people at FCA thought of me as a real athlete! After our one round of dodgeball was complete and Taylor claimed he ‘let me win’… we went to support the lady bulldogs at their basketball game! When I arrived home, I received my official Texas A&M acceptance letter in the mail. Such a great feeling to be welcomed into the Aggie family! :)