Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 338: Odd.

Tonight was Crysta Sheridan's surprise 18th birthday party. I have never seen anyone more surprised in my entire life! There was a great turn out of people and plenty of tasty food. There were definitely people from all different friend circles, but I enjoyed talking to a ton of people that I wouldn't normally get the chance to talk to. We played a game called Fish Pond and Katy & I won! I couldn't believe it. It is similar to taboo and charades, so I didn't anticipate a victory. I'll never forget when I said, "You like it hot and _______." Without hesitation, Katy exclaimed... "SPICY!" Oh KK! :) After the party, Katy, Dylan, Kaitlyn Brooks, Taylor Woods, and I attempted to go to the movies.  After purchasing our tickets, we found out that Kaitlyn wasn't allowed in the theatre since she is only sixteen years old. **The semi-new rule at the theatre is that you have to be 17+ years old after 9:30 pm. ** It was totally dumb. We went to Teahouse & Coffee and drank tapioca balls. It was an extremely weird first time experience, and I can't say that I enjoyed my Ice Cream Coffee. They wanted me to be a rebel for once... so I ding dong ditched someone's house. Then they thought it would be fun to wrap someone's house. We went to CVS to get the toilet paper and then we agreed that we shouldn’t do it tonight. We put on silly Christmas hats, took pictures and ran around instead. Finally, we went to KK's house and relaxed on the couch. I had so much fun tonight socializing at Crysta's birthday party and playing the 5th wheel on this strange excursion. Being the odd numbered wheel stinks, I am not going to lie. However, if I had to be the 5th wheel for anyone... it would be for these crazy kids!