Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 353: The Book

My Project 365 Blog is quickly coming to a close, which is very sad for me. However, all year I have been planning to make my project into a book- a bounded, hard cover, digitally made scrapbook. I had strict requirements...
1. I had to be able to custom design each page, day by day.
2. The book had to hold 365+ pages.
3. I had to be able to order it from an online printing and bounding company.
Today I started my specific search. I went to Best Buy, seeking a scrapbook design program that could transfer my work into a book. No such luck. You had to print each and every page from your own printer and that's not happening at this household. Tonight I finally discovered a free online program called Book Smart! When I downloaded the software, it transferred every single blog entry (with the picture, text and date) from January 1, 2010 onto its own individual page. Now I have started the process of formatting, editing and decorating each day for this year. It's going to take forever, but it will be well worth it! Kaitlyn's Project 365 in book form- I can't wait!