Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 348: Final For Sale

This week is finals week... so everyone is completing their reviews and attempting to study despite all of the distractions. I always create elaborate study guides and learn by making them. This semester Economics has been no different. Even though Byrd's final exam review had 240 questions... I was still going to do it. Now here goes my great story from today! I was sitting in class, with a very congested and runny nose, working tediously from bell to bell on my review. When we were released to go to our 4th period class, a boy walked awkwardly up next to me. He hesitantly began to talk about the economics exam and continued to ask me what grade I had in the class. I told him I had a 97 (that should have been red flag #1) and then he asked me if I had started the review yet.  I told him that I was almost finished with the whole thing. Then a light bulb flashed into my mind and I thought this mysterious tall  Hispanic boy wants to buy a copy of my review from me. Then he slightly whispered, "Economics final copy..." I gave him a very confused look and he repeated himself, "I have a copy of the economics final exam, do you want…?" I quickly interrupted him and exclaimed, "I am NOT interested!" I wish I had a picture of my facial expression. You would've thought this kid just asked me to buy drugs from him or something! I have never talked to him before in my life and I still don't know his name. Obviously this homeboy had no clue that I am the very last person you should ever ask if you want to sell something sketchy. From the beginning of the conversation I told him my grade, which should have been a huge flag that this girl doesn't need any help. I am still shocked that out of everyone in the class, he asked me (the girl that always actively participates in class discussions and answers questions) to buy a copy of the final exam. I bet he was on drugs- no one in their right mind would've asked me! I wouldn’t ever be a snitch, but at least it gave me a memorable story. He clearly doesn't know me too well!