Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 339: "B" Sweet

I love the month of December for many reasons, but mainly because I bake so many sweets for the people around me! Today I made two batches of puppy chow; which is simply Chex cereal covered with chocolate, peanut butter and lots of powdered sugar! I made it for my friends at lunch; my Secret Santa in PALs and the rest was boxed up for a few families! We are officially starting "B" Sweet tomorrow at school. This is a completely random thing my girlfriends and I decided to do at lunch for the rest of the month of December. This is how it works... everyday starting tomorrow a different girl will bring a dessert. There are only six lunches of the semester left, so we each signed up for a day and tomorrow is mine! I packaged up little goody bags of puppy chow for everyone and of course we share our desserts with the boys who don't participate in the baking! This is a fun way for us all to get in the Christmas spirit, share sweets at lunch and sneak in a few unnecessary calories every day! I don't know about the rest of the world, but I am usually in an exceptionally good mood during the holiday season.  I wish I could put up some of my Christmas spirit in a jar and open a little bit of it each month of the year!!