Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 355: COD

This past weekend I took way too many pictures, so if you haven't already noticed... I have been avoiding my camera. I am a little burnt out of pictures at the moment. There is something I will never understand- boys and their video games. On Sunday, Jason bought an Xbox360 with his graduation money. He has been playing Call of Duty: Black Ops ever since. To me, it is a bunch of nonsense. He acts like a twelve year old boy when it comes to things like this, even though the real twelve year old boys can actually beat him! All of his friends from college always play with him and they talk to each other via the headset. Tonight when Taylor came over, he and my brother played COD together. I don't understand it, nor do I really want to. It amazes me how many countless hours boys will spend sitting in front of the television set playing this. I like a few select video games, but I will never ever find any value in the stereotypical violent ones!