Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day 343: Orchestra

Tonight was the December H.O.T. Hangout. We all went to Chili's at 5:30pm, followed by the Orchestra Concert. This picture is the perfect description of my experience at the Winter Orchestra Concert. These three boys and I sat together at Chili's and we attempted to take a group picture. However, it proved to be more challenging than I expected. Last year, the concert was upbeat, the whole audience was rockin', and we could take pictures with Santa Clause. This year the talent in the orchestra remained the same; however, they played much slower Christmas jingles and there was no Santa in sight. Between the annoying chatter surrounding me and the slow songs, I was extremely tired and ready to go home.
My conclusion of tonight... 2009 Orchestra Concert > 2010 Orchestra Concert.
This is my improv paint project from Oyster Creek today. No paint brushes... just a couple bottles of glitter, a limited paint selection and an eager little PAL!