Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 187: If You Really Knew Me...

Today was a very lazy day! Jason & I watched 4 episodes of a show called Disaster Date. This is MTV's hilarious hidden camera prank dating show- it entertained us for quite awhile! Afterwards, Jason, Mom & I played the game Clue. My Mom isn't a big fan of this game and didn't want to play at all, but of course we forced her! Jason and I made countless accusations, but my Mom ended up winning the whole thing. It was really embarrassing! I worked tonight and then headed over to Katy Lowery's house to spend the night! She has been out of town practically the entire summer so far, so it was some much needed best friend time! We literally just sat and had pillow talk for hours. We read yearbook entries from freshman year and past love letters. She is one of those rare people that you can do absolutely nothing with and still feel like you're having fun! We played a game that I made up tonight called, "If you really knew me...” You would use that sentence starter and then it would be followed by something that is unique about you, something that annoys you, something that you struggle with or something that you aspire to be, etc. It could be anything in the world! Katy Lowery, aka KK, is my best friend and I would do anything for her!