Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 191: Wipeout!

Today was Day 3 of Recovery and I still looked like a chipmunk! In the afternoon my Mom and I went to get our nails done. We always go to a nail place in Sweetwater, but we decided to mix it up this time! We arrived at the new nail place at 2 PM and didn't finish until 4:45 PM... It was the slowest service ever! My AP Test scores finally came in and I found out that I earned college credit for both of my classes (Psychology and Human Geography)! That was by far the highlight of my day! Tonight I babysat for the Cook family + Cami--since their parents all went out together! These kids are as sweet as can be and were full of energy tonight!!! We played The Guessing Game, Hide and Go Seek, Pillow Fights, Zingo, and so much more! Between the excitement of having a babysitter and all of the fun things we were doing- these kids were going crazy! I felt like their facial expressions in this picture were a great representation of the evening as a whole! They had so much fun and I even enjoyed running around with them- chipmunk cheeks and all! My pain medication tends to make me sleepy, so we concluded the night by watching a show called Wipeout! After an energetic and noisy night like this one, it didn't take long for all of us to completely wipeout on the couch!