Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 188: Do Whatever You Want!

Today Suzie's Mom wanted me to come over and play with Suzie and her friends. Since I used to be a party coordinator at Sweet & Sassy... I decided to bring a Sweet and Sassy style birthday party to them! Shannon and I loaded up our entire make up, dress, nail polish, and hair glitter collection and got to work! These girls were a hoot! They absolutely loved having a glamour day, dancing to Hannah Montana and dressing like rock stars! And of course, Shannon and I had a blast too! Tonight Jason and I had date night! The rest of the family ended up joining in, because they felt left out. But since it was raining outside, we decided to stay in, order a pizza and make homemade pizookies! Date night in this house meant do whatever you want: eat whatever you want, drink whatever you want, lay however you want, wear whatever you want, fart whenever you want, play whatever you want... you get the point. I had to explain to Shannon that on her real date nights in the future, she can't just do whatever she wants. It was a very interesting conversation. Haha :) Hooray for ‘Do whatever you want’ date nights with Jason and the rest of the clan!