Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 262: Pandai is Paid

This is my baby. I have had her for almost a year now and a few days ago I made my last car payment. I AM the official owner of a 2010 black Hyundai Elantra. After my car accident last fall, I bought this cute little car with all of my money that I had in my savings account. My parents temporarily paid for the rest and I've been paying them back over the past year. My 18th birthday marked the first day that I was no longer in debt to them! It's amazing that my senior year of high school has just begun and I have already completely paid for my first car! I have a little panda that sits on my dashboard, along with a fortune cookie that says... "The best days of your life have not yet been lived". I sometimes call her Pandai... Panda + Hyundai = Pandai :) It is freeing to know that my baby is paid for and I can continue to save my money for whatever may lie ahead!