Friday, October 8, 2010

Day 281: TEAM OBAMA!

Today was the Dodgeball Tournament! It is a fundraiser put on by the AHS PALs that raises money for Breast Cancer Awareness. I was the court monitor, the photographer and the coach for Team Obama! I am not sure why that was our name, but I bought a Michelle Obama mask to have team spirit! It was hideous... I looked like a monster with it on. Taylor had a President Obama mask, which actually looked normal! I took a few pictures with my nasty mask and I was so done with being Michelle! Everyone from Austin was so spirited- I LOVED IT! A few of the teams that stood out were Schwartz's Sharks, The Loko, Cody Brown's Team, and of course TEAM OBAMA! Taylor, Anthony, Eric, Mandy, Priscilla and another softball girl were on my enthusiastic and competitive team! They made it to the championship game against Cody Brown's team. Everyone in the crowd was going wild for Team Obama, but they didn't end up winning the golden plunger. It was disappointing, but they played so well! Tonight we had some insane referees, a ton of spirited teams, and some hard working PALs. We were very successful in raising money for Breast Cancer Awareness and I enjoyed watching everyone unleash their competitiveness! Go Team Obama! :) Afterwards, I went to Whataburger with the PALs and then saw Life As We Know It with Jason!!!! It was a late showing, but it was so worth it. This movie guarantees plenty of laughs and tears!