Sunday, October 31, 2010

Day 303: Halloween!

Today all of my family went to College Station for the 4th annual Colborne family tailgate. I couldn't go because I had to work at 9ers this morning. :( Technically tomorrow is Halloween- but since it falls on a Sunday everyone celebrated tonight. This is a picture of Anam as a cat, Taylor Campbell as a knight, Katy Lowery as a sailor and myself as a teacher. All of our costumes were a little questionable, but according to Lindsey Lohan... “Halloween is the one night a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it." We had a lot of fun dressing up and laughing with each other. I love spending time with these girls! I'll never forget the year that I was a teacher for Halloween. The role fit me perfectly, but the costume was a little out of my element! Oh Halloween… gotta love it.