Thursday, October 21, 2010

Day 294: Block

Writer's Block- the inability to write.
In 4th grade, writing is a huge part of the curriculum. On March 3rd, the fourth graders have to write a two page composition for the Writing TAKS Test. When I student teach, I always help the kids with their writing skills. Whether I am editing their rough drafts, brainstorming creative titles for their papers, teaching them new grammar rules or chanting new vocabulary words with them... we are ALWAYS writing! The class that I assist with is having a lot of trouble understanding the concept of three parts to a story: the introduction, body and conclusion. They just don't get it. Mrs. Sebesta says the same thing over and over again, and I swear- it goes into one of their ears and out of the other. Today, she taught them what 'Writer's Block' means and how the class will continue to write every day- so they don't get stuck on the day of their test.
As I sat down to write this blog, writer's block hit me big time. I could sit here and list everything that happened to me today, but I don't even want to read about that. Here are three things...
1. I sent in all of my transcripts, resumes, and teacher recommendation letters today!!
2. I made this cupcake menu for my 'small business' in Economics.
3. My brother did AWESOME in his job interview and got an offer to interview in Atlanta! I love you, Jason!!