Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 302: DRACULA!

Today was the last official day of me and my mom's diet. We both stuck together, didn’t cheat and each lost 9 lbs. I would say diet=successful! Tonight was the H.O.T. Hangout for October. We all met at Whataburger and there was a great turn out of AHS students. Fazile, my PYPM leader from last year, surprised us at Whataburger! I was so excited to see her and catch up- even if it was only for a few minutes. I miss all of the old PALs so much- I know they are all off doing great things in college and we will all be reunited soon! After dinner, we saw the Austin Playhouse production of Dracula. All of the fine arts at AHS (Angels, Band, Choir, Art and especially the Theatre)... are unbelievable! My good friend, Bailey Boriskie, was an understudy. This is a picture of me and her after the play, with my Dracula program and the red rose that I gave her. It was opening night and everyone involved did fantastic! Justin Green, Kara Crawford, Riley Bauman, Brian Lisco, Jordan Moore...there is SO much talent at Austin! I know they have rehearsed for hours and all of their hard work paid off. This suspenseful and bloody play was the perfect start to my Halloween weekend!